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Doctor Using Digital Tablet

Dr. Homer Schreckengost
Schreckengost Integrative Medicine 

Mind, Body, Spirit


Meet Dr. Schreckengost

Dr. Schreckengost is an osteopathic physician (D.O.) who blends traditional medicine with holistic care to solve the most complex cases. He has been nationally recognized as a top integrative medicine physician.

My Specializations

Schreckengost Integrative Medicine & Dr. Homer Schreckengost pride themselves on determining accurate diagnoses, including those hard to identify & less understood medical issues requiring a treatment plan that is holistic, comprehensive, and offers the patient the best opportunity for success in overcoming or managing their condition.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

Nutritional Consulting

Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy

Endocrine Disorders

Autoimmune Disorders

Neurodegenerative Disorders


Gastrointestinal Disorders

Chronic Infections



Anti-Aging Services

What Patients Say

Before seeing Dr. Schreckengost, I had a host of health issues that spiraled for over 2 years. I saw 12 other doctors, both in and out of state, including multiple specialists… none of which helped me. I was either told nothing was wrong or they attempted to treat only the symptoms and sent me on my way. I even went to the ER several times, out of desperation, and was treated as drug seeking and booted out the door. As a Christian woman, I began to walk down a path of darkness and was losing my faith. I became more and more desperate, as I grew sicker and sicker and saw no end in sight, with no one to listen or help. In August of 2022, by divine intervention, I found myself on a video screen in front of Dr. Schreckengost. Yet again, I was explaining to him the long journey that got me there. This time was different, though. He talked to me for a full 52 minutes and took notes the entire time. Dr. Schreckengost then sent me for blood work and it was the most blood that any doctor had ever taken. He tested SO many things! After which, he met with me a week later, fully explaining his findings. From there on out, he met with me weekly for several months. He restored my hope! Now, here I am, 6 months later and although I still have many ups and downs, I’m on a path to recovery. I am no longer completely bed ridden (at least not every day) and I can be a mom to my active twin boys again. I believe that God led me to this doctor at just the right time and without him, I don’t know where I would be, both physically and spiritually. I was broken and he brought me back to life. I am forever thankful to this man.

Stephanie W.

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At SIM we offer visit options that make your health & wellness journey as seamless as possible. Whether it be at our in person office location or via telemedicine, we've got you covered.

Schedule your initial consultation by contacting us here 

Doctor's Visit

"Their fruit will be for food
and their leaves for healing"

Ezekiel 47:12

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